Department of Education
at Korea University

Applied Quantitative Methods on Substantive Educational Issues

Recruiting Graduate Students

About me

I am a Professor in the Department of Education at Korea University. My research agenda has focused on examining the contribution of multiple motivational constructs to students’ engagement and learning using international large-scale student assessment (ILSA) datasets and quantitative techniques. My current substantive research centers on how culture influences motivational processes and why cultural differences in motivation emerge. How to develop an educational environment for sharpening students' citizenship literacy in this rapidly changing world is another research interest. Delving into the intricacies of existing datasets from diverse geographic contexts and undertaking thorough comparative analyses, I channel my research fervor toward deriving insightful implications aimed at enhancing educational outcomes and social equality. I also conducted program evaluations for STEM education and institutional research during certain periods of my academic career. 

My works cutting across these themes have been published in rigorous peer-reviewed journals in the fields of science education, educational psychology, educational measurement, and higher education. Ranked as the fifth most productive author in ILSA for education research, as evidenced by a bibliometric review study in 2021, these contributions underscore my dedication to advancing scholarly discourse in the field. I currently serve on the editorial boards of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, the International Journal of Science Education, the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, the Journal of Experimental Education, and the Journal of Youth and Adolescence. I also have reviewed manuscripts from more than 70 journals, spinning a diverse range of manuscripts at the intersection of education, psychology, and social sciences. 

View my academic CV

Student Recruitment

I am recruiting promising students who are interested in applying quantitative methods to tackle substantive educational topics. There are a variety of scholarships and financial assistance for promising students, such as the BK 21 scholarship, teaching assistantship, and graduate school scholarships. Students interested in applying for the graduate program are welcome to contact me ( to get more information.

Liou, P.-Y.*, Jang, J., & Myoung, E. (2024). Synergistic effects of students' mathematics and science motivational beliefs on achievement and their determinants. International Journal of STEM Education.  

Suh, H., Liou, P.-Y., Jeong, J. S., & Kim, S. Y. (2024). Perfectionism, prolonged stress reactivity, and depression: A two-wave cross-lagged analysis. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 42(1), 54–68. http://10.1007/s10942-022-00483-x

Liou, P.-Y.*, & Myoung, E. (2023). Teacher-perceived science inquiry-based instructional practice on student achievement and motivational beliefs in classroom contexts. Science Education, 107(6), 1485–1506.

Jang, J., Yoo, H., & Liou, P.-Y.* (2023). Effects of collaboration on teachers’ job satisfaction and self-efficacy: Personal and structural characteristics as moderators. Educational Studies. 1–23.

Liou, P.-Y., Lin, Y.-M., Huang, S.-C., & Chen, S. (2023). Gender differences in science motivational beliefs and their relations with achievement over grades 4 and 8: A multinational perspective. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 21(1), 233–249.

Liou, P.-Y., Huang, S.-C., & Chen, S. (2022). Longitudinal relationships between school burnout, compulsive Internet use, and academic decrement: A three-wave cross-lagged study. Computers in Human Behavior, 107363, 1–8.

Myoung, E., & Liou, P.-Y.* (2022). Adolescents’ political socialization at school, citizenship self-efficacy, and expected electoral participation. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51(7), 1305–1316.

Myoung, E., & Liou, P.-Y.* (2022). Systematic review of empirical studies on international large-scale assessments of civic and citizenship education. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 66(7), 1269–1291. 

Liou, P.-Y.* (2021). Students’ attitudes toward science and science achievement: An analysis of the differential effects of science instructional practices. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 58(3), 310–334.

Liou, P.-Y.*, Wang, C.-L., Lin, J. J. H., & Areepattamannil, S. (2021). Assessing students’ motivational beliefs about learning science across grade level and gender. The Journal of Experimental Education, 89(4), 605–624.

Liou, P.-Y., & Lin, J. J. H. (2021). Comparisons of science motivational beliefs of adolescents in Taiwan, Australia, and the United States: Assessing the measurement invariance across countries and genders. Frontiers in Psychology, 12(674902), 1–13.

Liou, P.-Y.*, & Bulut, O. (2020). The effects of item format and cognitive domain on students’ science performance in TIMSS 2011. Research in Science Education, 50(1), 99–121. 

Chen, L.-T., Ding, Q.-W., Hsieh, C.-Y., Chen, Y.-K., Chiang, Y., Huang, S.-C., Yang, T.-R., Cheng, C., Liou, P.-Y., & Peng, C.-Y. J. (2020). Effect size reporting practices in Taiwanese psychology and education journals: Review and beyond. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 62(4), 553–592. (In Chinese)

Liou, P.-Y.*, Wang, C.-L., & Lin, J. J. H. (2019). Pathways of parental involvement through students’ motivational beliefs to science achievement. Educational Psychology, 39(7), 960–980.

Lin, J. J. H., & Liou, P.-Y.* (2019). Assessing the learning achievement of students from different college entrance channels: A linear growth curve modeling. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(5), 732–747.

Liou, P.-Y.*, & Ho, J. H. N. (2018). Relationships among instructional practices, students’ motivational beliefs and science achievement in Taiwan using hierarchical linear modelling. Research Papers in Education, 33(1), 73–88.

Wang, C.-L., & Liou, P.-Y.* (2018). Patterns of motivational beliefs in the science learning of total, high-, and low-achieving students: Evidence of Taiwanese TIMSS 2011 data. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 16(4), 603–618.

Liou, P.-Y.* (2017). Profiles of adolescents’ motivational beliefs in science learning and science achievement in 26 countries: Results from TIMSS 2011 data. International Journal of Educational Research, 81, 83–96.

Wang, C.-L., & Liou, P.-Y.* (2017). Students’ motivational beliefs in science learning, school motivational contexts, and science achievement in Taiwan. International Journal of Science Education, 39(7), 898–917.

Huang, Y.-T., Liu, E. Z.-F., Lin, C. H., & Liou, P.-Y. (2017). Developing and validating a high school version of the robotics motivated strategies for learning questionnaire. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 7(2), 19–33.

Davenport E. C., Davison, M., Liou, P.-Y., & Love, Q. U. (2016). Easier said than done: Rejoinder on Sijtsma and on Green and Yang. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 35(1), 6–10.

Liou, P.-Y.* (2015). Developing an instrument for assessing students’ concepts of the nature of technology. Research in Science & Technological Education, 33(2), 162–181.

Liou, P.-Y.*, & Hung, Y.-C. (2015). Statistical techniques utilized in analyzing PISA and TIMSS databases in science education from 1996 to 2013: A methodological review. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 13(6), 1449–1468.

Liou, P.-Y.*, & Liu, E. Z. F. (2015). An analysis of the relationships between Taiwanese eighth and fourth graders’ motivational beliefs and science achievement in TIMSS 2011. Asia Pacific Education Review, 16(3), 433–445

Davenport, E. C., Davison, M., Liou, P.-Y., & Love, Q. U. (2015). Reliability, dimensionality, and internal consistency as defined by Cronbach: Distinct albeit related concepts. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 34(4), 4–9

Liou, P.-Y.* (2014). Examining the big-fish-little-pond effect on students’ self-concept of learning science in Taiwan based on the TIMSS databases. International Journal of Science Education, 36(12), 2009–2028

Liou, P.-Y.* (2014). Investigation of the big-fish-little-pond effect on students’ self-concept of learning mathematics and science in Taiwan: Results from TIMSS 2011. Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23(3), 769–778.

Liou, P.-Y.* (2014). Evaluating measurement properties of attitudinal items related to learning science in Taiwan from TIMSS 2007. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 16(3), 856–869.

Liou, P.-Y.*, & Kao, P.-J. (2014). Validation of an instrument to measure students’ motivation and self-regulation towards technology learning. Research in Science & Technological Education, 32(2), 79–96. 

Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, C. H., Liou, P.-Y., Feng, H.-C., & Hou, H.-T. (2013). An analysis of teacher-student interaction patterns in a robotics course for kindergarten children: A pilot study. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 12(1), 9–18.

Lin, C. H., Liu, E. Z. F., Chen, Y. L., Liou, P.-Y., Chang, M., Wu, C. H., & Yuan, S. M. (2013). Game-based remedial instruction in mastery learning for upper-primary school students. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 271–281.

Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, C. H., Jian, P. S., & Liou, P.-Y.* (2012). The dynamics of motivation and learning strategy in a creativity-supporting learning environment in higher education. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(1), 172–180.

Liou, P.-Y.*, & Lawrenz, F. (2011). Optimizing teacher preparation loan forgiveness programs: Variables related to perceived influence. Science Education, 95(1), 121–144

Liou, P.-Y.*, Kirchhoff, A., & Lawrenz, F. (2010). Perceived effects of scholarships on STEM majors’ commitment to teaching in high needs schools. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 21(4), 451–470.

Liou, P.-Y.*, Desjardins, C., & Lawrenz, F. (2010). Influence of scholarships on STEM teachers: Cluster analysis and characteristics. School Science and Mathematics, 110(3), 128–143.

* Corresponding author

  • ANOVA and Regression (Graduate level)

  • Multilevel Modeling (Graduate level)

  • Scale Development (Graduate level)

  • Program Evaluation (Undergraduate level)

  • Comparative and International Education (Undergraduate level) 

  • Asian Educational Leader (Graduate level)

- Comparative Education: Issues from International Large-scale Assessments
- Utilization of International Large-scale Assessment Data for Education Research (plan to be offered during the summer of 2025)

  • 145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 02841, Korea.
  • Uncho-Useon Education Building Rm #702